The Super Power of Me Giveaway EXTENDED!
I’m EXTENDING the giveaway for the Super Power of Me! Now you have even MORE time to enter! Click here…
I’m EXTENDING the giveaway for the Super Power of Me! Now you have even MORE time to enter! Click here…
I’m thrilled to start a new feature at Unconventional Librarian highlighting my friends IRL (in real life) who are also…
I recently had the opportunity to enjoy a fun summer read: The Summer My Life Began, a YA title by…
I’m so excited! You know how I’m going to Book Expo America in June? Well I just found out that…
Dougal was no stranger to the voices of the dying. He was a warrior, born and trained to kill. Death…
I am thrilled to be a TLC Book Tour Host and this month I am hosting Make it Stay by…
I love participating in Michelle from The True Book Addict’s weekly meme: Cat Thursday. Cat Thursday is a meme to…
It’s Monday and I took a little hiatus to play along with the blogging from A to Z challenge! I…
Today’s my blogoversay and I’m gearing up for some fun things! Please bear with me as I integrate new photos…
Did you know that LDS (Latter Day Saints aka Mormons) have a long history of writing? It’s true! To be…