• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Bad Girls Book Club Letter B #atozchallenge


Welcome to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge

Did you enjoy Letter A day?

Today’s letter is


The Book

The Briefcase of Juris P. Prudence by JN Childress

If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ll know that I believe in the power of self-published authors. If it weren’t for an indie author I wouldn’t have my B book. There are so many reasons that I wanted this book to be my B book. First, the author is a woman of color, like me, and we need all the diverse authors we can get in this world. Second, the heroine is a little young lady named Juris Prudence.  As it turns out, Miss Prudence wants to grow up and become a lawyer. Well that’s not exactly right. In fact Juris aka JP is already a lawyer. And so are her two besties Sofie, Izzy, and Maddy. These young misses created the National Kids Leaders Academy and enrolled and became lawyers. At age Five. What were you doing at age 5? If you were like me, you were probably playing dolls and learning how to read.

There are so many things to love about this book! And while I haven’t quite finished it yet, I love the diversity of it. JP’s little friends represent the spectrum of diversity: Izzy is South Korean and has two dads; a true representation of what our lives look like in real life. So now at age 11, JP & Associates takes on real cases helping kids change the laws that affect them.

So much diversity in this little book. I love it.

Take Sunday off, rest, and make new friends. See ya Monday!

p.s. this qualifies for the Diversity Reading Challenge