CoSchedule it and Forget it: A Tutorial for Organizing your Book Reviews and your Life
Seems like every week I’m finding new ways to use CoSchedule (CS). I love Co Schedule because as a book…
Seems like every week I’m finding new ways to use CoSchedule (CS). I love Co Schedule because as a book…
Are you on Periscope? I am too! I know I’m late to the party, but at least I’m here. And…
Get Back Your Ooo With Co-Schedule Dudes. I know you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about, right? If you’re like…
I love! It’s where I connect with my friends and catalog all of my books. Are you on…
Fag WOW. Got your attention with that title, didn’t I? The title of the book is Fag by author Krissy…
Self Published Authors Wanted! Are  you a self published author? Have you written a great book, novel, short story, novella,…
I’m going to tell you a secret: I LOVED The Love Song of Jonny Valentine. It’s a story about a…
If you’re like me, you’re not going to BlogHer and you want to be part of the fun of getting…
The Story Siren has a really fun meme called In My Mailbox where she highlights books that she receives in…