• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Get Back Your Ooo With Co-Schedule


Get Back Your Ooo With Co-Schedule


Dudes. I know you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about, right? If you’re like me, your busy. I mean like don’t have time to stop and think busy. I eat on the go, I read on the go, I go on the go. All I do is go go go! It’s exhausting and sometimes your Ooo turns into Oh (crap). When you’re a busy person you need help. That’s where CoSchedule comes in; I can get back my Ooo.

CoSchedule helps me stay on schedule. Because I’m always either writing a book review or reading a book, I need to stay on top of my schedule so I submit my reviews on time.  The hardest bit about blogging is that after you’ve written a kick butt review, then you have to remember to send them to 47 skillion social media sites so everyone can read the awesome thing you wrote. READ. ALL. THE. THINGS!!!!

But dude, they can’t read all the things (!) if you don’t remember to send them to all your sharing sites.

Enter your new boo CoSchedule. He (or she) will bring back your Ooo. Your new boo will bring back your Ooo.

How’s that work? I’m glad you asked. See, your new boo thang is a calendar. I KNOW you don’t need another calendar to keep, but you do. This is your boo, remember, she will help keep you straight. Take a look.



See all those entries? Those are your little blog posts of love. Yawn. But there not doing anything for you, are they? Kinda like a bunch of Cinderellas waiting at the ball for Prince Charming to ask them to dance. Once you activate them (PowerRangers anyone?) they will do anything you want them to do; mostly talk to Twitter, Facebook, and Google + but that’s just me. You use your boo however you want to (sorry I just can’t resist a rhyme).

Looky here.


If you’ve already written your precious little gems and they are sitting against the proverbial dance wall waiting to get asked to dance, they aren’t helping you very much, are they? To be sure, you might have published them or scheduled them to be published but that’s SO 2013. When you go into the magic world of the CoSchedule calendar, you can dress those puppies up and schedule them to go anywhere and anytime!

The best best thing about this social media calendaring feature? You can create individual messages for each social media platform. When sending your blog post to Twitter, you can include one message. Posting to Facebook? Gear the message toward that crowd. Letting the Google+ world know about your post? Include a very special message for them. It’s win win win with CoSchedule. All the beautiful Cinderellas have someone to dance with. They each have a new boo, thanks to you (sorry, not sorry).

I love that this feature works retroactively (no they are not wearing Jetson’s costumes, unless that’s what you’re into). Retroactively means you can reschedule those old posts and make them shiny and pretty by sending them to social media channels.

Have les amies in France? Schedule your posts for 1am EST.  Got a friend in Goa? Schedule at 8:30 pm EST and it’ll arrive as she gets ready for work at 6am. How ding dang cool is that? Now you don’t have to worry about Tweeting a post and hoping your friend will see it amid the 4300 other social media posts they are bombarded with.

The CoScheudle people have made this lovely video for you to watch. There are no dancing cats, but it’s still pretty rad. Check it out.

CoSchedule equals love. You’ll get your Ooo back. If you’re thinking about trying CoSchedule, you can use my referral link link: http://coschedule.com/r/4278  I signed up through a referral link; everyone wins. Everyone gets their Ooo back!

How you use CoSchedule is up to you. But once you get it, you’ll be hooked.