• Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

I’m Going to KidLitCon!


I‘m Going to KidLitCon!

I’m so excited to be attending KidLitCon! There’s a rumor that I might be speaking…


But listen, I need your help! I can’t get there alone and I need some financial support.

Kidlitcon Collage

Don’t know what KidLitCon is?

KidLitCon is a gathering of people who blog about children’s and young adult books, including librarians, authors, teachers, parents, booksellers, publishers, and readers. Attendees share a love of children’s books, as well as a determination to get the right books into young readers’ hands. People attend KidLitCon to talk about issues like the publisher/blogger relationship, the benefits and pitfalls of writing critical reviews, and overcoming blogger burnout. People also attend KidLitCon for the chance to spend time face to face with kindred spirits, other adults who care passionately for children’s and YA literature. 

Sounds great, huh?  Just what I need to continue to bring you the best stuff from around the kidlitosphere. All I need is your help to get there. Visit my GOFUNDME page to donate. Even $5 will help. AND I offer rewards as  thank you gifts. Just. For. You.

Check it out and thank you for looking!