• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

What to Pack for PhillyHomeHer12


If you’re like me, you’re not going to BlogHer and you want to be part of the fun of getting ready for something.  That’s why some friends and I created PhillyHomeHer12.  We live in the Philly area so that’s why we called it PhillyHomeHer but its really for ANYONE who didn’t get the golden ticket to go to BlogHer. It’s HomeHer. But in Philly.  Yours could be called MississippiHomeHer; whatevs.

We say, no matter, we will prepare ourselves for PhillyHomeHer12! First? Gotta pack.

Make sure you have:

a chair to sit in; makes using your laptop easier.

then you’ll need

wine. cuz not going to BlogHer will make you angry thristy.

you’ll probably want to wear something special

Oh JohnnyD how’d you get in here? (i TOLD him don’t follow me here)

anyway…you could wear something comfortable…

because you really want to express yourself

and EVERYONE needs bloggy business card so get some of those

or some Zoloft or whatevs works for you, right?

Feeling better already about missing WhtachucallitHer aren’t you?


Now, here’s how we’re better different than BlogHer: No need to get tickets to big name blogger events or stand in long lines for parties.  The party is HERE!  Everyone has something to teach, including YOU.  In the linky below, put your best post forward.  Have you ever written a kick-butt post? Link it!  Are good at teaching something and you wrote about it? Link it! Have you ever wanted to be a keynote speaker at an event but never got the chance? Here’s your chance! YOU are the keynote speaker at this event because it’s all about YOU.

Link up here: