I have a very sweet gift for you today. It’s a set of books about letters from Santa!
Here’s a bit about it:
The magic of Christmas for children is embodied in Santa Claus. This book shows you how to capture that magic by writing a personal letter from Santa for the child or children who are special to you.
Letters from Santa can describe situations your child has been in, recount good deeds he or she has done, make suggestions for improving behavior, and generally inspire your child in positive directions you see for them.
The finely crafted companion volume is where you will write this special letter each Christmas Eve, after your child has brought their book of Santa’s letters to its honored place near the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, the whole family can gather around as your child discovers what Santa has written just for them.
As the years pass the book with these letters will grow more and more precious. It will be a chronicle of years past, and a guide for years to come.
The two book set also includes hysterical questions from kids. Take a listen:
How fun is that? Now for more fun: I’m giving away Santa’s Crystal Ball!
It’s like the Magic 8 ball but it tells you whether you’ve been naughty or nice; uh oh!
Enter the giveaway here: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don’t worry if you’ve been naughty. There’s still time to change your behavior; GOOD LUCK!