• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Philly HomeHer14: SUCCESS


What do you do when it seems like all of your friends are going to the coolest party? You have your own party, right? That’s always been my philosophy, so when many of my blogging friends attended BlogHer this summer I decided to organize the second Philly HomeHer.  Philly HomeHer is an alternative to BlogHer; you can’t get to sunny California but still want to play. I asked my partner in blogging crime, Janeane Davis of Janeane’s World, to help me organize it. We gathered a few speakers, garnered a location and we were set.

The great thing about hosting your own conference, or minicon as I call them, is that you are in control and it can be whatever you like it to be.  Turns out I had some friends who needed some public speaking experience and Philly HomeHer14 provided the perfect outlet for this need.

Barb of, A Life in Balance, taught us basic SEO skills.

Darla, of HeartWork Organizing, helped us put together our business plans.

Steph, of A Grande Life, helped us discover some ingenious ways to set up the shot. Also, anyone who was brave enough to get in front of her camera, came away with a beautiful headshot. Take a look below.

Take a look at the collage to see how much fun a dozen women can have on a Saturday night.


It was such a great time, we’re already planning for 2015!

Many thanks to Avero Bar Italiano for hosting us.