• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Vacation Reads and Help me choose!


As much as PammyPam likes to work hard, she also likes to play hard.  And because all this hard ness, I need to go on vacation.  To be sure, anyone who has children knows that being a mother on vacation is still work. But whatever, I’ll take what I can get. So, I will be relaxing hard while on vaca.

To be sure I’ll be relaxing, I’m taking a few books. But this are my secret indulgences: chick lit.  What? Someone as erudite and literary as PammyPam reads chick lit? SURE DO! And you know why? Because its fun and makes me feel all squishy nice, like donuts.  And while you cant live healthily on donuts its fun to splurge every once in while and eat 7 or 8. Oh wait, that’s me.  Anyway, you get my point.  I’m going to be on a beach, under a palapa for Pete’s sake, I don’t wanna hafta read Kafka. Oh wait, been there done that. I mean Dostoevsky. War and Peace.  You get it. I want a fun, light read, not a tome that will up my baggage fee.

So. Where was I?


Here’s what I’m taking with me:

Jennifer Babelicious Weiner‘s newest book The Next Best Thing.

And why am I taking this magnum opus?

1. Because it looks FUN

2. Because I can totally see myself sipping a drinky poo under a palapa devouring this little lovely

3. Because Jennifer Babelicious Weiner sent me a SIGNED autographed copy because I cried like a baby at BEA (my story and I’m sticking to it)

4. Because that’s ME in the bathing suit on the cover. Those of you who know me, hush.





The next literary gem I’m taking on vaca?

Those We Love by Lee Woodruff

I chose this cutie because I had the good fortune to meet Lee Woodruff at BEA.

I rocked her world and we became besties like Rachel and Monica.


I did meet her.






And now to the business:

I plan on taking one more book to (oopsie I almost told you where I was going on vaca) read on my vacation. I like to have choices.

Please help me choose one more book to read, wouldja?

Leave your suggestion in the comments.

There will be a dumb cool prize!

Contest ends June 20th at 9pm.