• Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Strike by DJ MacHale is like, WOW!


SYLO Collage

It’s no secret that I love DJ MacHale. While I’ve never read Pendragon, I’m certainly a fan of MacHale’s work with the SYLO trilogy!

Here’s my review of SYLO.

Then of STORM.

I was traveling this weekend so I grabbed a copy of STRIKE (perks of being a bookseller) and threw myself into it on the plane. And OMG I could hardly put it down!

DJ is coming to the bookstore this week (WOOT!) and I can’t wait to see him again! Last year I introduced my tweenies to SYLO and it was so much fun seeing them read the book and then meet the author.  Isn’t that what this is about? Putting a smile on a kids’ face?

So, stay tuned for my review of the last installment of SYLO and of course, for pics of DJ!

Have you read anything by DJ MacHale?