• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Papercutz Presents Nancy Drew


If you’re like me, you loved Nancy Drew as a girl.  Interestingly when I visited with Lisa Scottoline recently, she also enjoyed reading Nancy Drew as a child.  There’s something about Nancy’s pluck and feminism that makes her likable. Of course, Lisa Scottoline liked Nancy because Nancy was in charge of the cool car. Whatever the reason, if you like the young detective, you might enjoy her as a graphic novel from my friends at Papercutz:

Nancy Drew

A while back we had a tea party featuring Nancy Drew and it was so much fun! This Nancy Drew, however is not for little girls. It’s a little more sophisticated!

Nancy Drew is no ordinary teen; she’s the best detective in River Heights!Nancy uses her incredible intelligence and seemingly endless knowledge to solve the mysteries that trouble her town, and her smarts are only matched by her bravery. Nancy stops at nothingto right wrongs and protect the innocent, even when she’s put in harm’s way herself. Good thing she has her loyal friends Bess, George, and Ned to help her out of someserious scrapes!

I love everything about this series.

Are you a Nancy Drew fan? What’s your fave title?