• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Random Magic Live Pinning Tour week 4



It’s week 4 of the Random Magic Tour.

RUN over to Pinterest and follow along with us as we PIN things to the Random Magic Tour Board!

Or you can click here

But NEVER EVER Click here unless you drink blood and sleep during the day.

What’s the haps you say?

This week, we’re pinning from Chapters 16 -21. You might see some magic.  Or some violence. You won’t know if you don’t look.

To follow along with this week’s Magic Pinning, look for the footer:

|| Chapters 16-21 || Part of Pins and Magic party – Live-pinning ‘Random Magic’ || Schedule/Join us (Jul. 15 through Sept. 15, 2012):

Last week was:

|| Chapters 11-15 || Part of Pins and Magic party – Live-pinning ‘Random Magic’ || Schedule/Join us (Jul. 15 through Sept. 15, 2012):


Last last week was :

|| Chapters 1-5 || Part of Pins and Magic party – Live-pinning ‘Random Magic’ || Schedule/Join us (Jul. 15 through Sept. 15, 2012):

and the week after lat lat week was:

|| Chapters 6-10 || Part of Pins and Magic party – Live-pinning ‘Random Magic’ || Schedule/Join us (Jul. 15 through Sept. 15, 2012):

Want more Magic in your life? Tweet me (@Pamlovesbooks)  and YOU can join the pinning party too!

Go see what’s going on and bring me back a cookie.  Or as the Brits call them, biscuits. or something.

I’ll wait.

And Thank you!



Wanna sneaky peak?


neat, huh?

go. pin.

