If you know anything about me, you know I love all things French and parties. A better combination? French parties! Bastille Day is coming up on the 14th and if you don’t know what that means, I’ll tell you: Bastille Day is sort of like the French Independence Day. There was an uprising at Eastern State Penitentiary and Marie Antoinette threw Tastycakes down to the crowd. Oh wait, that’s what they do here in Philly.

I’m all about a holiday that includes wigs, Darth Vader, and Tastycakes. If you don’t know what Tastycakes are; don’t worry. They are a local traditional foods and the less you know about them, the more for me!
Where was I?
Bastille Day is a time for celebrating and while I’m pretty sure Darth Vader doesn’t march down the Champs Elysees during the parade, there are plenty of things to do to celebrate during this fete (see what I did there? threw in a Frenchy word).
One way to celebrate Bastille Day is to read French books! My friends at Le French Book are celebrating and want to invite you: