• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

When She Woke by Hillary Jordan

Oh my oh my I can’t believe how much I loved When She Woke by Hillary Jordan!

whenshewoke2 Collage

When She Woke is a modern day retelling of The Scarlet Letter, only BETTER! Think of what life could be like maybe 10 or 20 years in the future.  Some of the references to electronics and politics make you stop and think “hey wait, IS this a real office?”.

Yeah, it’s THAT good.

Plus, there’s controversy and controversy makes you feel passionate about something.  One way or another you’re going to have an opinion about our protagonist and her plight.

Here’s the lowdown: Hannah has an affair with the married very charismatic pastor of a very large and influential church in Texas.  She gets pregnant and has an abortion, all to protect Pastor Famous. Are you hooked yet?

While in jail, Hannah’s skin color is turned red, for murder.  Other criminals can be melachromed different colors: yellow, blue, green but red is the most heinous color of all.

Interwoven within the story are religious zealots, right wing pro choice zealots, racial and socio economic disparity issues and political views. Jordan blues the line so well I never quite knew whether I was watching CNN or reading a book or remembering my life in Texas.

Have you read this book? What are your thoughts?

I’m giving it 4 paws because she includes all facets of diversity within the story.

Unconventional Librarian 4paws