• Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Hurricane Sandy Anniversary: Sandyversary and #PANJ4Good


save the children

It was exactly one year ago when Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast.  I’m in suburban Philadelphia and while we were only marginally affected, many of my besties were hit. Hard.  Despite all the foolishness of the Jersey Shore TV show, the Jersey Shore is a time honored summer tradition in this area.  Many children have grown up with fond summer memories ‘down the shore’.  All those memories, peoples’ lives, and livelihoods were washed away one very scary evening last year.

The Jersey Shore has rebuilt and many good people are taking steps to make sure families are prepared should emergencies like this strike again.  It’s like that lemonade saying: turn lemons into lemonade.  Let’s turn the Hurricane Sandy Anniversary into Sandyversary and share how we can keep safe!

Here’s an infographic that I like


I have my own emergency supply stash that I keep updated annually.  I’ve lived in Texas and have weathered a few hurricane type weather situations that have taught me to be prepared.  You’ll notice in the infographic that in the corner is a section about Go Kits.  PLEASE don’t forget to pack comfort items.  If you happen to be stranded or evacuated, how can you expect your little ones to find some comfort without their favorite stuffy or a book (now you KNEW I was going to work a book in here somewhere)?

So, visit the Save the Children or PA/NJ Bloggers for Social Good to see what you can do to keep my fave lil ones safe!

Do it!