• Sat. Feb 8th, 2025

Gone Girl Movie?


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are aware that Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn, has been a best seller for like two years.  In a row!  I stumbled upon the book thanks to my friends at From Left To Write book club.


Gone Girl was my first foray into modern psychological thrillers and boy was it a punch in the gut! Here’s my review. I have mixed feelings, however, about the book becoming a movie. I’m not sure it’s something I can relive again.

Fortunately, I may not have to, because thanks to many articles floating around the web, I’ve learned that the author has rewritten the ending.  Is that good or bad?

Plus, I’m not a big fan of who they cast in the movie.  Ben Affleck as the husband? Nah, too old, and too, well, unremarkable.  I just saw that Doogie aka Neil Patrick Harris will be playing Desi Collings in the movie. I’m all like, who is playing whom?  I also just discovered that Tyler Perry (we know and love him as Madea) is also in the movie.

I’ll tell you what Gillian, you were smart to hire Tyler Perry.  Whenever Amy stars acting up, Madea can come in there and set everything in order.  Or at least bring some comic relief.


madea tyler perry



What do you think? Will you see it?