Cleo and I just finished
The Cat Who Turned on and Off by Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who…is a story of a reporter nicknamed Qwill
who discovers some odd behaviors in Junktown
and of course, a mystery ensues!
This was our first foray into reading Braun’s work.
I found it delightfully easy to read, the characters amiable and
who doesn’t love to be taken back in time to a more genteel era of the 60s?
Cleo especially liked that everything about the book involved CATS.
Cats in the title:
Cats as the main characters: KoKo and YumYum
and cat prints on the cover:
What’s not to love?
Cleo and I gave it 3 paws.
This book also counts as part of TWO challenges:
Getting Lost in a Comfortable Book
How are YOUR challenges progressing?