• Thu. Jan 2nd, 2025

The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz


I know Oprah has been promoting this book for a time and I finally had the chance to check it out!6596

As with all self help books, I suggest you read with a keen eye; what works for one person might not work for you. That said, there were things about The Four Agreements that I found helpful. Although the examples were rather repetitive and sometimes over simplified, there is good stuff inside.

Occasionally a little too woo woo for me, but still good advice. Be impeccable with your word and Dont take anything personally are the two agreements that stuck with me. Now that I’ve finished the book I”m going to go back and review the bits that I highlighted. I’m also going to go back and review my notes from Rising Strong by Brene Brown to see how I can keep improving myself in the new year.

This is a quick read so if you know someone who likes self help, this might be a good holiday pressie for them!

Have you read the Four Agreements? What did you think?


And because the author is Hispanic, this counts toward the Diversity Reading Challenge. Non fiction too!