• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

#StayPeculiar Tour and Meet Ransom Riggs


Hey Peregrine fans, I’ve a great surprise for you! Ransom Riggs is going on tour to meet some of you weirdo peculiar fans and Quirk Books is giving you a chance to meet him! LibraryofSoulsTour_AllLocations

Type your way over to QuirkBooks.com/LOS to see how you can win. To enter all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself being peculiar and you could win! If you don’t win the trip, you could win a totebag.

The #STAYPECULIAR totebag is perfect for carrying all your dead birds, miscellaneous bees or anything else that you can’t live without. Also? It’ll identify you as one of the Peculiar Children, so others will know how to avoid find you.  We




all hafta stick together, don’t we? #staypeculiar

One of us, one of us, gooble gobble google gobble… Don’t wait, enter today. I can’t wait to find out what happens to the peculiar children; what about you?