• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Preschoolers Want Halloween Books Too!


Preschoolers don’t realize they are small.

They think they are just as big as the big kids.

And because of that, they want what all the other kiddos have.

They want Halloween books in their sizes too!

And PammyPam aims to give it to them.

Here are 7 Halloweenie books for the little lovies:

From the top:

My Jack o lantern by Nancy Skarmeas

Say Boo! by Lynda Graham-Barber

Halloween Night (with googly eyes!)

DK Touch and Feel Halloween

Biscuit’s Pet & Play Halloween by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Five Little Pumpkins pictures by Dan Yaccarino (the fingerplay that all kids love)

The Cheerios Halloween Play Book  (fill in the missing cheerios)

AND because I can’t help myself, a


a little surprise for my lil neighbor who lives next door:

Unconventional Librarian

Jack and Jill, A Halloween Nursery Rhyme

Any of these would be cute in a Halloween treat bag!

Have a safe and yummy Halloween


Unconventional Librarian