• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

The Best Place for Me by Amy Misakonis and Giveaway!


If you’re a little behind on your Mother’s Day shopping, you better hightail it and get an extra box of flowers or candy or something.  Meanwhile, buy your fave Mom this ebook NOW.  It’s completely adorbs and I’m happy to be part of the tour! The book is called The Best Place for Me and very sweetly written by Amy Misakonis.


Lots going on here so let’s just jump right in without our swimmies, ok?

I conned asked Amy into a guest post and she relented. Yay us!

Baby’s First Library

Nighttime is one of my favorite times to share with my little one.  We go through a routine that is probably pretty standard for most families:  bath, jammies, read, have a bottle, and then I’ll dance him into dreamland.  He adores books and I adore reading to him.  If you’re a mommy or a daddy, I have a feeling that you have a handful of books that you can recite instantaneously upon memory.  There are some that I read at least 5 times before bedtime.  I’ve put a list together of our favorites and my recommendations for your baby’s first library.  I hope that someday one of my books becomes an important party of your little lovie’s library!

My first 4 recommendations come from Nancy Tillman.  Her books were given to my by my mom at my baby shower and they are fabulous.  Not only are the illustrations beautiful, but her message:  You Are Loved, is conveyed in each and every one of her stories.

  • Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You
  • The Crown on Your Head
  • Go to Sleep My Love
  • The Spirit of Christmas

Another favorite author for baby’s first library is Sandra Boynton.  The Going To Bed Book, is by far our favorite and a must have addition!  I’m certain that I’ve read this book nearly a million times.  It’s such a reading staple for us that I had to rescue it from a potty accident after mistakenly letting my son run around his room diaper free.  He hid behind the ottoman, got quiet and I knew immediately what was about to happen.  The slow motion dive started to save the Going to Bed Book from pee.  Pee on the floor, no sweat.  Pee on this book = DISASTER.

The next three are must have gems.

  • Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney
  • I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak
  • Peek a Boo, I Love You by Sandra Magsamen

These books have helped to inspire me to create picture books that are not only for babies and children, but for parents and grandparents.  I hope they touch the hearts of everyone who dives into their pages and that someday they appear on a list like this.  I’d love for you to share with me your must have books for your baby’s first library!

Yeah, pee on a book? Not so much Amy.  But anyway (whistling)…

Wanna know what Amy’s doing when she’s not cleaning up after a diaper free toddler?

Amy Misakonis created The Best Place for Me, her first book, for parents to convey a special message to their little ones: Right here with you, is the best place for me.

Amy lives in Annapolis, Maryland with her one year old son. He has been the inspiration for her first two books. Each of Amy’s story express, in words and playful images, all of the important things that we, as parents, want our babies to know. How much we love them, and how very important they are.

Here’s a sneak peak at the book trailer:

Wanna still redeem yourself to Mom?  Enter to win a gift basket!  Here’s the Rafflecopter, you know the deal…

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck with the giveaway and with Mom!


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