• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

How to Pack Books for Your Vacation


It’s Summer!!! Now’s the time to get serious about your relaxing. But wait a minute, what will you read on YOUR vacation?? You can’t leave you summer reads to chance. You gotta take some serious thought to how you will fit all those books in your suitcase, right?


Oopsies, well that might not be your suitcase, but THAT’S where you’ll be wanting to relax with a smoothie and a book, right?

So. How many books do you pack?

I like to pack 3 books.


As you can see, there’s just one book packed in there. Not three. It’s an example people, work with me here!

So. I like to pack 3 books. The first book I pack goes in my carryon with me. I need quick access to a book because I start reading at the airport while waiting in line to be tortured by TSA. It should be moderately interesting.

Your 2nd and third books are the keys to vacation success.

The second book should be the one you just can’t put down! Looooooong stretches poolside are gobbled up by getting lost in a book. Whatever your genre is, THAT is your book. The one you’ve been LONGING to read.

Your third book should be an easier book. You’ll be wrapping up your vacation and so you don’t want anything too heavy cuz you’ll prolly be packing and easily distracted and you don’t want to hafta try to keep up with a heavy story. Plus, if you doze on on the plane, you won’t struggle too hard to find your place. Aaaaaand if you’re not digging the book so much you can always leave it somewhere for someone else to treasure!

So, this year’s vacation I struggled. I had planned to take 3 books, but my husband packed too many sundresses and there wasnt enough room for three books. Plus, I didn’t want to take my iPad (which I normally take) which contains like, a skajillion books. Big mistake. I only had two books, folks. And come Wednesday I was scared that I would run out of books.

What does any good bibliophile do when she runs out of books?

She runs to the bookstore!!

Thank goodness for Books and Books on Lincoln Road in Miami, baby!


BUY!!! ALL!!! THE!!! BOOKS!!!!

just kidding. I just bought one. After I interrogated every bookseller there; cuz let’s face it. Reading preferences change regionally and there might be a book I’d not considered reading, right?

And voila! An Unnecessary Woman by Rabih Alameddine.

Love!!!!! it!!!!

And? It happens to fit into the 2015 Diversity Reading Challenge! How’s that? Our heroine is from Beirut! I suspect the author might be from that region as well. I haven’t looked him up yet.

Of course, I’m not a big fan of reading electronic devices at the pool or beach, cuz I’m clumsy and spill stuff. But hey, if you trust yourself around a body of water with an expensive electronic device then more power to YA.

Plus if that’s the case, then you don’t need three books. Cuz, well, you prolly have like 3 million books on your device, like I do.
