• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

It’s Official: Little Free Library installed at Pottstown Area Seniors Center



Books have been a constant in my life for as long as I can remember. As a child I reread my favorite stories over and over (and over) and today I’m constantly adding to my list of favorites.  I’m certain I’ll continue reading until I can read no more.  That’s the great thing about books; they are your friends through every stage of life.   I’ve dedicated my life to sharing the love of reading, especially to children.  I’ve recently discovered another audience who also love books: Seniors.

Do you know what’s wonderful about sharing books with seniors? They not only want books for themselves, but they want books for their children and their grandchildren.  As a Little Free Library Steward I am curating a selection that will suit the seniors from Pottstown Area Seniors Center.  I’m still sharing the love of books with children! It’s a winning combination for everyone.

Over the years, the Little Free Library movement has grown and has provided more than 15,000 libraries worldwide!  The Little Free Library at Pottstown Area Seniors Center will be officially registered on a map at the Little Free Library website:  http://littlefreelibrary.org/. Woot!

We recently unveiled the Little Free Library at a wonderful party, complete with cake and a live band! The band and the cake might not have been for me, but I enjoyed myself just the same.  It is such a pleasure to serve others and I was even permitted to serve lunch to someone who couldn’t stand in line to get their own.


I’ve got a golden ticket.

I did, however, sneak a bit of cake for myself afterwards. or before.




As we unveiled the Little Free Library, the seniors came to see what it was all about and were more than willing to pose for photos.


Aren’t they adorbs?

The purpose of the Little Free Library Program is “Take a book, Return a book”.  There’s no obligation to return or even pay for the book, which is perfect for seniors on a budget.  During the visit, we chatted about the books they liked and choices they might like to see.  I encouraged them to take a book or two and share the book with others if they wanted.

The seniors were quite eager to share their grandchildren’s interests with me and I hope to be able to find books for them.  I hope the readers enjoy receiving their books as much as I enjoy sharing the books with them.

There are many ways to get involved with the Little Free Library movement.  Mine was sponsored by Alpha Bits cereal (wooooot!)  but many people pay for the library themselves or collect donations and get the community involved.  For more information, visit their website at http://littlefreelibrary.org/

I can’t wait to go back and have more cake. Oh and share more books with the seniors. I think they really liked me!