• Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

J is for Jabba and others #AtoZ Challenge





It’s letter J day! There are so many books that start with J we’d better get started.  Here we go…



For the newest generation of Star Wars fans, comes the Origami Yoda series! This title is The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet. Boy is THAT a mouthful!

Origami Yoda has used his Jedi-wise advice to help the kids at McQuarrie Middle School conquer all sorts of enemies, from dull school dances to embarrassing water stains. But this semester, Dwight, Tommy, Sara, and the gang must face their deadliest enemy yet: the FunTime Education System. Meant to raise standardized test scores, the mind-numbing videos of Professor FunTime and his singing calculator are driving everybody crazy! And worse yet, to make time for FunTime, all electives–drama, art, band–have been canceled!

Naturally, the kids turn to Origami Yoda for help, but her tells them that this enemy is far too strong for him to fight alone. If they want to get their favorite classes back, they must form a Rebel Alliance. Soon dozens of kids, each with his or her own origami puppet, join the Alliance. But will the Force be with them–or will they be defeated by the FunTime menace?

Crazy, right?  Crazy fun!

Moving to a new school is no fun. Ask Jake…



JUST JAKE  introduces readers to sixth-grader Jake, whose life is turned upside down when his family moves from Florida to Maryland, where Jake must adapt to a new school. Jake has always ranked the kids at school in his hand-made, humorous Kid Cards,” and when he arrives at his new school, Jake starts building a new collection, befriending as many people as he can while staying under the radar from the school bully.  But what happens when the school bully decides Jake’s next in line for annihilation and his Kid Cards get into the wrong hands?!!

Those darn school bullies…

And finally, who doesn’t love Judy Moody?



The answer is, NO ONE! We’ve all been moody, right?

“Judy Moody was in a mood. Not a good mood. A bad mood. A mad-faced mood.”

To start, Judy Moody doesn’t have high hopes for third grade. Her new desk won’t have an armadillo sticker with her name on it. Her new classroom will not have a porcupine named Roger. And with her luck, she’ll get stuck sitting in the first row, where Mr. Todd will notice every time she tries to pass a note to her best friend, Rocky. An aspiring doctor, Judy does have a little brother who comes in handy for practicing medicine, a cool new pet, and a huge Band-Aid collection.

This series is perfect for the young reader who is new to chapter books. She will LOVE them!

What’s your fave J book?