• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Matilda Book Review by the Clever Lindsay Podolak


Matilda1 As a mom, I place a huge importance on the presence of books in a child’s daily life. Part of my now two-year-old daughter’s nightly routine since birth has been reading books together before bed.

I love buying her books and filling her shelves with some of the same classic children’s literature that I read as a child. I can’t wait for when she is old enough to select her own books at the bookstore. I’m so curious to see what type of stories she will be drawn to. Will it be any of the ones I adored as a girl?

Looking back, it’s truly difficult for me to pick just one as my favorite childhood book. There were so many I loved: The Babysitters’ Club series, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, The Phantom Tollbooth… I spent every night with a flashlight propped up under the covers while I secretly read these books over and over again, staying up well past my bedtime.

And then there was Matilda. It was not the first Roald Dahl book I had encountered. I had read James and the Giant Peach, too, but it didn’t really do anything for me. But Matilda– I fell in love!

Here was a book about a lonely little girl who manages to outwit her dimwitted parents. Matilda Wormwood is smart, witty, and genuine. She is a master of pulling clever pranks, and she even has special powers!

In the age-old battle of kids vs. adults, Matilda was one character that all kids could root for. Dahl’s novel made me feel that the shy, quiet, smart students had value and could make a difference.

It was also refreshing to see adults painted in such an unflattering light as Matilda’s parents and the nasty Miss Trunchbull were. Typically kids are taught the dull “adults are always right” lesson from books.

I look forward to the day when I can enjoy Matilda again, hopefully by reading it alongside my daughter. But if that type of book isn’t her cup of tea, perhaps she will introduce me to a book that she loves. Whatever it is, I will just be happy that she found her own Matilda to treasure.

Thanks Lindsay, I think Matilda is just awesome too!

Check out Clever Lindsay at The Naughty Mommy blog and tell her PammyPam sent you.