• Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

As Fast As Words Could Fly by Pamela Tuck, illustrated by Eric Velasquez


As Fast As Words Could Fly

There is nothing I love more than seeing brown skin or a person of color on the cover of a book for children. That’s one of the reasons why I love As Fast as Words Could Fly by Pamela Tuck so much!

This picture book, which is suitable for early elementary school, depicts a fictionalized account of the author’s father, a young boy who learns to type and is forced to integrate into an all white school with his older brothers.  The boy’s excellent typing skills earn him a chance to make a difference in the African American community during the civil rights era. The story depicts racism in a way that young kids will understand without exposing them to violence and other indignities. Kids today will be incensed to learn that people who look like their friends were treated so harshly.

As Fast as Words Could Fly is a great addition to any school or home library. I’m especially thrilled because the author will be speaking at KidLitCon in Hershey Nov 3-4 and I’m gonna beg charm her to sign my book, woooooo! Fangirl here we come!!!

As Fast as Words Could Fly totally counts toward the Diversity Reading Challenge.