• Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

What’s In My Ear: The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld


Well, this time I’ve gone and outdone myself. I’ve uglied myself up. I know what you’re thinking; That won’t be too durn hard Pammy Pam! And I suppose you’re right! Why have I gone and uglied myself up?

In honor of The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld!

The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

There’s a reason this book is often on the Required Reading list during the summer. There are many powerful lessons within the book if you want to explore them further.

So, in a world where everyone is ugly, is anyone ugly? In a world where everyone turns Pretty when they are 16, why would some people choose to stay ugly? What’s the point of being pretty or ugly?

The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld

Westerfeld takes us into so many discussions about beauty, ignorance, recycling, ecology, biology, history, it’s hard to put down!  Of course, I was listening to it as I drove to work;  but there are times I’d literally sit in my car debating the ideas that I’d just heard.

It’s just that amazing.

Have you read it? What are your thoughts? How relevant is this book for teens?