• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Book Review: Too Many Lies by Daphine Glenn Robinson


Too Many Lies is the latest book by my friend and author Daphine Glenn Robinson.  Robinson’s books are about real people with real problems.  They are appealing on several levels:

  • They are easy to read
  • You feel as if you’ve met these characters before
  • The subject matter is something we can all relate to

The author’s latest foray into story telling includes Stanley and Deidre Thompson.  Stanley is a lying, cheating, dirty dog of a husband and Deidre is his long suffering wife.  Deidre puts up with a lot but after discovering his latest secret, she decides she’s had enough.  Fortunately, Deidre has a strong support network and is able to decide what’s best for her; even though it took her 15 years.  You can’t help but like Deidre because she’s a good woman and while she’s not perfect, she recognizes the difference between right and wrong and has enough confidence in herself and her faith to be able to make good choices.  She’s a good friend, a devoted mother, and a hard working employee; what’s not to like about her?

The most refreshing idea about this book is that the characters in the tale are multicultural, a point that is near and dear to me and this blog.  Many of the characters are obviously African American but their problems are not necessarily specific to a particular race.  Does Robinson obscure the character’s races on purpose to widen the appeal? Not sure.  But the appeal is there, regardless of race.

If you’ve ever attended church or any place of worship, you’re bound to encounter the various types of characters Robinson includes in her books.  Daphine Glenn Robinson’s books are entertaining and uplifting without hitting you on the head with preachy-ness.  Watch out our Tyler Perry; Sister Robinson can tell a story!


I give this book four paws and think this is Robinson’s best work yet!




Check back for an interesting post by the author herself AND a giveaway!

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