• Thu. Jan 16th, 2025

Baby Sisters Need Vaccines Too #Blogust #TBT


Baby Sisters Need Vaccines Too
#Blogust #TBT


When you become a parent for the first time you strive to do everything absolutely perfectly: contamination free zones, no strangers holding baby, homemade baby food, every single baby first documented in the baby book.  By the time the second baby comes along, you mean well, but somehow a binky dropped on the floor no longer needs the sterilization chamber of a hospital ward: just pop it into your mouth and give it right back to baby. Homemade baby food? Yeah right. Give #2 some jar food that you got on sale. Sure I have baby’s photo book ready. Ready to take out of the package and insert all those stunning firsts that are still uploaded into my camera.

So you see where I’m going with this? Second and subsequent babies kinda draw the short straw when it comes to getting things. It’s not for lack of love and affection that seconds draw up short; it’s just that parents are busier and they also learn a thing or two about what’s important and so they cut corners.

The one thing seconds  NEVER get skimped on are VACCINES.

In our house, #1 son came first.


And we were smitten. As newly minted parents we did everything we were supposed to for him. Photos? Check. Homemade baby food? Check. Vaccines? Check.

Then baby sister came along and our world changed dramatically. If I thought I was smitten with my first child, her brother was smitten with her. Photos? Check. Homemade baby food? Not so much. Vaccines? Check.

Of course we got our precious baby sister vaccinated. She stole our hearts and we wanted to make sure that #1 son had a baby sister for life.


Without vaccines, big brothers won’t get a shot at having a baby sister. And every kid deserves a baby sister. Look at the two siblings above: at her high school graduation #1 son is still smitten with his baby sister.  This #Blogust in honor of them, I’m sharing my personal vaccination stories.

Help give children life-saving vaccines by joining with Blogust. Each comment or post share will provide a vaccine to a child in need – up to 30,000 in the month of August.

Please help me help the little ones. Share and comment. Every time you do, a little sibling somewhere can get a vaccine.