• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

#AtoZchallenge Reflection: I’m Sad it’s Over!


A-to-Z Reflection [2014]

Well here we are, the calm after the storm.  To be sure, April’s blogging challenge is a whirlwind of activity and I hafta admit, I LOVED every moment of it!  It’s like being invited to a party and everyone’s excited to see you.  Parties are hard work and require lots of preparation and checking and double checking to make sure everything is just so. But all the hard work is worth it in the end of everyone has a good time, right?


I’m no stranger to the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge; I’ve been participating for a few years now. But the best thing for me was being a co host. It was a dream come true! I was so excited and honestly a little overwhelmed at time but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I learned alot about my time management skills during this time and that there is always room for improvement.

I love being able to meet new people, share books with them and get to know them better.  The Thursday afternoon Twitter chats were my absolute favorite day of the week.

So, very quickly, here’s what I’d like to stress:

  • Start planning early, like January
  • Join Triberr to get the most out of your Twitter account
  • Comment EVERYWHERE
  • Meet as many new people as you can
  • Laugh often and loud
  • Make mistakes and learn from them

Those last two especially apply to me. I made many mistakes but hopefully next year I wont make those same mistakes; I’ll prolly make new ones, but hey, that’s all part of learning, right? My biggest mistake: Not commenting enough. I wished I’d commented more.  I wished I’d eaten more cake too.

Did you write a reflections post? Leave your link below and I’ll visit you. Cake optional, I’m on a diet. hahahaha

See you next year!

I heart april a to z.jpg