• Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Got Books? Donate them to Goodwill.


That’s right friends, you heard me.  Spring is clean up time and that also applies to your bookshelves. While I strongly believe you can never have enough books, I also believe that books need to be shared and loved. So, if you’ve got books on your self that are just collecting dust, why not donate them?


Do you know what happens when you donate to Goodwill? Goodwill hires people to sort through the stuff you donated. Do you know what that’s called? Jobs. Jobs for people.  Jobs for people who need to work.

Wanna see how it works? Click here.  What I did is enter the number of each item that I collected to be donated and the calculator tells you how many hours of work that my stuff can create for someone!

Here’s a collage of some of the items I’m donating:

Goodwill Collage.jpg

See that? Let me explain the photo. On the left is a stack of preschool teaching books I’ve acquired over the years. I’m not teaching anymore and don’t need them.  The upper left photo is the shelf that is now empty due to my spring cleaning.  The bottom right photo is what the back of my car looks like on the way to Goodwill.  See all of those bags filled with clothes that shrunk in the closet?  According to the donation calculator I’ve helped create approximately 4 hours of work for someone, WOOT! That’s like half a day!!

Now, here’s why spring cleaning is necessary:

  • Decluttering is good for the soul
  • You’ll find clothes that don’t fit anymore
  • You’ll make room for new things
  • Even though those pants are too small on you, they might be the right size for someone else

and finally, most importantly

  • Books are meant to be shared. I know your kids loved their Transformers book but if they’re reading Divergent now, maybe there’s a little guy someone who could benefit from a Transformers book too!

Get it? Got it?


Donate Stuff. Create Jobs.


This post was made possible through the support of Goodwill. All opinions are my own.