• Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Giveaway


Unless you’ve just arrived on this planet you know that John Green is my BF.  I love his writing and his personality and with each book I grow more and more obsessed enamored of him.

PammyPam loves John Green

What’s so great about John Green is that he has his own YouTube Channel and each of his books has either won a prize or been nominated for top literature prizes.

And ALL of his books have been optioned for movies by Hollywood. YAY!

I took a minute from my super very busy and important schedule to read The Fault in Our Stars.  I had the pleasure of drooling on meeting him and receiving a copy in June at BEA and couldn’t wait to dive into it.

I was not disappointed. I will NOT spoil it for you and this is one book where I did not read the ending first (not that it would have helped).  If you love sappy sick-kids-dying-so-lets-say-mushy-stuff type books, move along.  There is none of that here.  What you’ll find is funny, insightful, and some of the best YA literature available.  It’s no wonder he’s winning awards all over the place! I’ve already given him the award as BF, what more could he want?

He could want, you, my friend, to read this book.  And I’m going to help you.  I have an extra copy to share (YAY!!) and I’m giving it away just in time for Christmas!! Happy Dance!!

Easy peasey lemon squeezy entries: leave your comment and tell me either a) your best John Green quote or book and b) if you’ve not read John Green (whut??) who your fave author is.  Winners will be chose by Random.org.

Contest begins December 9th at midnight and ends December 17th at midnight (that’s Sunday to Sunday). Sorry to my international sisters and brothers but US only this time: I need to be able to get this to you superquickfast!

GOOD LUCK! I hope you win!!