• Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

The 2016 Diversity Reading Challenge Begins Today!


It’s time for diversity! Last year I started a diversity reading challenge for myself and I was amazed at the number of people who were drawn to it. It’s so great to know that I’m not the only person who realizes that more books need to feature diverse characters AND that mainstream readers demand them too!

I’m Thrilled to announce that I have partnered with my bestie Thien-Kim Lam of From Left To Write and from I’m Not the Nanny and this year’s Diversity Challenge will be DOUBLE THE FUN! Kim and I go waaaay back and as she’s raising biracial kids, she’s always got my back when it comes to diversity. While Kim is good at so many things (check out her blog, yo) she likes to read adult fiction and she will host the Diversity Reading Challenge portion on her blog that focuses on books for grown ups.

While Kim will focus on the books for adults, I will continue to focus on diverse reads for kids.  Presenting The Diversity Reading Challenge list for 2016!

Diversity 2016 Reading ChallengeKIDLITSTAMP

The Diversity Reading Challenge is meant to be easy peasey lemon squeezy. 12 books in 12 months, which equals 1 diverse book a month. You can’t get easier than that! Whether you read non fiction or fiction, picture books, or graphic novels, the Diversity Reading Challenge will fit in with everything you do.

Follow us on Twitter, #ReadDiverseLit and stay tuned for #ReadDiverseLit chats on Twitter:

  • Kim (@FromLeft2Write) will host an Adult chat the 2nd Wednesday at 3pm EST; and
  • I (@pamlovesbooks) will host a Kid chat the 4th Thursday at 9pm EST

We would love to hear from you. Hit us up anytime!
Get some of this Diversity Action and link up your Diversity Challenge blog posts here: